Management Message

Management Message

We would like to express our gratitude to our shareholders for their continued support.

Hiring demand from companies today continues to skyrocket against the backdrop of a recruitment market besieged by a huge labor shortage triggered by the decline in the working age population.

Given the limited labor force, it would be impossible to solve the myriad social issues facing Japan without the application of technology and optimal allocation of human resources.
By facilitating labor force mobility, I believe that en Japan will play a key role in achieving the best possible placement of personnel on a macro level while also realizing the full performance potential of every individual.

This should also help us realize our company’s purpose: “to make the world better by increasing the number of people who work hard for others and society—Inner Calling & Work Hard).”

Moving forward, we will zero in on areas where we can leverage our unique strengths and significantly contribute to solving these issues facing society. Working toward this end, we formulated a five-year Medium-Term Management Plan in May 2022.

We have identified two targets we will actively invest in over the course of this plan. The first is HR-Tech engage, which uses technology to provide more efficient job search support for a broader range of job-seekers than conventional job posting sites. The second is our human resource platform business, which helps high-caliber professionals with great potential take on new challenges by reaching out to them through job posting sites specifically catered to young and middle-aged workers. We have made upfront investment intensively in these two businesses, and as a result they have grown at a faster pace than initially planned.

As we aim to realize our corporate purpose, we are also focusing on social impact employment projects, i.e., recruitment activities that make a big impact on the broader community. We currently support over 100 such projects as we continue to move forward with an eye to overcoming the host of roadblocks Japan faces today.

We look forward to everyone’s continued support moving forward.

June 2024
en Japan Inc.
Takatsugu Suzuki, President